About me...
About me...
Some will be surprised by my somewhat belated debut into the writing world...
At eighteen, I was not sure about which field of study I wanted to choose.
During my secondary and high school years (in Belgium, they call it "the humanities"), sciences, mathematics and linguistics were appealing to me.
I also was incredibly fond of my French classes.
And I loved sports as well, especially volley-ball...
In other words, I was playing on all fronts!
In addition, I wanted a profession that would allow me to travel the world.
In the end, my choice came down to either journalism or medicine.
When I let my father know, his answer was "Both are great; however, as a doctor, you will never lack work..."
Was it this comment that helped make up my mind? The open day at the Faculty of Medicine in Namur? Or the famous Professor Zech, infectious disease specialist and such a theatrical character?
I therefore became a paediatrician, then a paediatric neurologist.
I have no regrets, even though by choosing to be a resident, I denied myself five years of carefree youth.
Then came the forties, with them the first look back on my life (I am a fulfilled spouse and mother of three) and a certain feeling of resurgence. Given that I have always adored books and have read so many since my childhood, I decided that I too wanted to write some.
From a precocious and avid reader (having devoured every child classics, all the Countess of Segur's, George Simenon's, Agatha Christie's, Stephen King's, Douglas Kennedy's novels and my countless comic books), I grew up into an overdue novelist.
But I strongly intend to catch up!
My first novel, Hide and Seek Paris-SXM, was published in May 2015 in French, the English version in January 2016;
and the first book of Caribbean Black Jack, a series that will include four volumes, will be released in 2016.
Feel free to leave comments and suggestions; as an independent author, I will always make time to answer!
Valérie Lieko
Indie Author
(ps: This article has been translated from French to English by Suzie Coulon)